Search "JADA" at Daedalus / Yoroi, delegate and enjoy!

Japanese ADA Stake Pool. Profit for everyone with low fees and reliable operation.


  • JADAとは?

    JADAはInvestminingチームが運営するステークプールで、CardanoADAを世界最高のプラットフォームに成長させることを目指しています。 私たちは主に日本の方に安全にステーキングが出来るよう常日頃からプール運営を行なっております。人コミュニティや交流会に積極的に参加しています。

    JADA is an organization operated by Investmining team that aims to help grow CardanoADA into the world's best platform. We have participated actively mainly in the Japanese community and meetups.

  • 私のADAは安全ですか?Do you steal my ADA?

    安全です。 JADAがすべてのプール情報を万が一ハッカーが知ったとしても、JADAが実行することは、ステークプールを0にすればそれで被害は何も起きません。 その後、ダイダロス/ヨロイがあなたに通知するので、その通知が来たら別のプールに委任すれば良いだけです。

    Even if we want to steal, we can't steal. If JADA sells all pool information to a genius hacker, the only thing it can do is set the staking rate of return to zero. Then Daedalus / Yoroi will notify you, so you can just delegate it to another pool as soon as you see it.

  • JADAがステークプールを運営する理由 Why JADA operate stake pool?


    This is a pool management fee, but it is only 1%!(you can get 99%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum obcaecati dignissimos quae quo ad iste ipsum officiis deleniti asperiores sit.

Open Daedalus / Yoroi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius saepe, voluptates quis enim incidunt obcaecati?

Search "JADA" and choose

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius saepe, voluptates quis enim incidunt obcaecati?

Delegate and enjoy!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius saepe, voluptates quis enim incidunt obcaecati?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum obcaecati dignissimos quae quo ad iste ipsum officiis deleniti asperiores sit.

Excellent service & support!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis nam id facilis, provident doloremque placeat eveniet molestias laboriosam. Optio, esse.

Junaid Hasan

Nice work! Keep it up

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis nam id facilis, provident doloremque placeat eveniet molestias laboriosam. Optio, esse.

Junaid Hasan

Great support!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis nam id facilis, provident doloremque placeat eveniet molestias laboriosam. Optio, esse.

Junaid Hasan


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum obcaecati dignissimos quae quo ad iste ipsum officiis deleniti asperiores sit.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.

Fully functional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis culpa expedita dignissimos.


Open Daedalus Yoroi, open the staking screen and search for "JADA" in the search field. That's all!
After you have successfully delegated, you will be staking, whether you are left alone or offline.
These are all basically anonymous.

① Who is JADA?
JADA is an organization operated by Investmining team that aims to help grow CardanoADA into the world's best platform. We have participated actively mainly in the Japanese community and meetups.
② Do you steal my ADA?
Even if we want to steal, we can't steal. If JADA sells all pool information to a genius hacker, the only thing it can do is set the staking rate of return to zero. Then Daedalus / Yoroi will notify you, so you can just delegate it to another pool as soon as you see it.
③ Why JADA operate stake pool?
This is a pool management fee, but it is only 1%!(you can get 99%)

Like other pools, real ADA will be granted in March 2020.
The actual ADA amount awarded will be displayed in Daedalus and Yoroi

We will try to answer within 24 hours.

The "ADA HODL POOL" pledge is a pledge that the AadHodlArmy pool advocates.
“For the healthy development of the ADA economy, the ADA received as a pool delegate fee will not be exchanged for other currencies, but will be used only for payment of server fees, etc.”

JADA Pool considers this pledge as an interesting pledge to boost Cardano's economic sphere, and supports it.

For those who are busy every day, we recommend that you choose the “longest-running pool” that can be left for many years after commissioning, rather than detailed specifications and fees.
In the future, after a reputation system is introduced, choosing a pool with a high community contribution that can earn a high reputation will lead to high profitability in the long run.

Cardano is JADA's only staking project.
Contributing to the drive of the Japanese community regarding Cardano, the ZZZ site aims to be the most attractive description of Cardano in the world. (We will not lose to Cardano's official website!)